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Solidity Developer Survey 2021 is Live!

Posted by Franziska Heintel on November 18, 2021


Today, we launched the Solidity Developer Survey 2021. Please all take 10 minutes to participate and let us know your feedback!

This marks the second time we are conducting a structured big developer survey. You can find the results of last year's Solidity developer survey here.

Shape the Future of Solidity 🔮

The survey helps us to further improve the Solidity language and compiler and shape the future roadmap of Solidity. We can't wait to hear your thoughts on the prioritization of new features, what you like and dislike about Solidity and learn about your coding preferences!

Your replies are invaluable for the Solidity project to understand your needs, the current strengths and weaknesses of the language and will contribute towards establishing development priorities for the future. This will ultimatively result in improving the Solidity developer experience as a whole.

Similar to last year, the survey consists of several chapters:

  • Demographics
  • Developer Profile
  • Solidity Profile
  • Solidity Development Experience
  • Upcoming Features and Language Design
  • Solidity Community

Completing the survey will roughly take 10 minutes. You can skip questions you don't want to answer, no question is mandatory. However, please note that of course the more information you share with us the better we will be able to understand your needs and work on further improving Solidity according to your needs.

Spread the Word 🪁

Please support us by spreading the word about the survey! Share it on your preferred social media, developer forum, in dev chats or directly with your coworkers and developer friends.

Thanks a bunch!

The results of the survey will be shared on this blog as well as on the Solidity Twitter and Mastodon accounts early next year.

✨📋 Click here to start the survey! 📋✨

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