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Solidity Summit 2022 Goes Amsterdam

Posted by Franziska Heintel on February 22, 2022


The Solidity Summit is finally back! After a first virtual Solidity Summit in 2020, we are excited to announce an in-person event for 2022!

Solidity Summit 2022 is part of Devconnect and will happen on Wednesday, April 20 2022, in Amsterdam.

What is the Solidity Summit?

The Solidity Summit is a collaborative event focusing on the future of Solidity. It's a get together for advanced Solidity users and other Solidity ecosystem stakeholders such as developers interested in language design, tooling builders, auditors and security researchers.

During the event you can expect to:

  • Get up to speed with the latest language proposals and new features.
  • Hear updates from Solidity tooling and security experts.
  • Learn from Solidity power users.

We want to use the opportunity to get together not only to keep up with the newest developments in the Solidity space and to generally catch up with each other, but also to have useful language design related discussions that can result in language improvement proposals. Furthermore, we want to foster communication between teams working on similar topics, and identify needs for the smart contract ecosystem of Ethereum.

We would like to stress that this summit will be focusing especially on language design and tools/ecosystem and aims to collect community feedback on how to improve Solidity and the compiler. While developers writing Solidity contracts are very welcome to share their experience during the summit, this is probably not the conference where you’ll learn “how to develop dapps on Ethereum using Solidity”.

For a preliminary list of topics for the 2022 event, please have a look at the Solidity Summit website.

Speaker applications are open now.

The call for speakers is open! Please fill in speaker form to apply for a speaking slot.

Note that the Solidity Summit is focusing on an advanced audience, which means you can go "deep" into the Solidity weeds or technical stuff quickly!

Who is a good fit for a talk at the Solidity Summit?

  • Solidity Language Shapers: You are a Solidity pro and interested in language design? → Join the Solidity Summit to present your language improvement proposals.
  • Tooling Builders: You build an IDE, debugger, analysis tool or testing framework? → Use the opportunity to share your tools and what you've been working on with the audience.
  • Auditors & Security Researchers: You frequently read or audit Solidity code and have useful tips, insights or ideas you want to share? → Present them to the audience at the Solidity Summit.
  • Solidity Power Users: You are a heavy Solidity user? → Share your best Solidity tips, hacks and feedback!

Don't see yourself in the list but still think you have something relevant to share? Don't hesitate to apply for a talk in any case!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

To participate in the Solidity Summit, fill in the application form for attendees. Participation is free, but space is limited. Hence, please use the application form to give us more insight into why you want to attend the Solidity Summit. Please only apply for a ticket if you plan to attend the in-person event in Amsterdam.

The event will be live-streamed and recorded. We will share instructions on how to follow the Solidity Summit online on the website and via Twitter.

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