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Solidity Developer Survey 2022 is Live!

Posted by Franziska Heintel on December 7, 2022


It’s that time of the year. Drumroll, please! πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯ We are launching the Solidity Developer Survey 2022!

Before we wrap up 2022 for good, we want to reach out to collect your feedback and insights so we can improve on it!


You can find the previous results of the Solidity Developer Survey 2021 here. In 2021, 435 developers from 73 different countries participated with 80% of respondents using Solidity daily or weekly.

About the Survey πŸͺ„

Like in previous years, this survey helps us to improve the language and compiler further and shape the future roadmap of Solidity. Therefore, we want to hear your feedback on Solidity and learn about your coding preferences.

Your replies are invaluable for the Solidity project to understand your needs and the current strengths and weaknesses of the language. In addition, they will contribute towards establishing development priorities for the future. This will ultimately result in improving the Solidity developer experience as a whole.

The survey consists of several chapters:

  • Demographics
  • Your Developer Profile
  • Your Solidity User Profile
  • Solidity Development Experience
  • Language Design & Upcoming Features
  • Solidity Developer Community

Completing the survey will roughly require 10 minutes of your time.

None of the questions are mandatory, but keep in mind that filling in as many as possible helps us!

For the collectors amongst you, this year, a little "token" of appreciation awaits at the end of the survey.

Last but not least, we moved away from Google forms and are trying an open-source alternative, namely CryptPad, in this iteration. Besides the fact that we prefer opting for open-source, encrypted, self-hostable software over proprietary software, selecting CryptPad specifically was a conscious choice since it allows you to submit your responses fully anonymously (client-side encryption).

Spread the Word! πŸ“―

This marks the third time we are conducting a structured developer survey and we are hoping to reach even more developers than last year.

Please help us reach as many Solidity developers as possible by sharing the survey in your networks!

The results of the survey will be shared on this blog as well as on the Solidity Twitter and Mastodon accounts in Q1 of 2023.

Thank you for your support!


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