Solidity Summit 2023 Merhaba Türkiye!

Posted by Solidity Team on August 7, 2023


The Solidity Summit has returned! Following the popularity of the Solidity Summit in 2022, we are pleased to announce a live event for 2023!

Solidity Summit 2023 is part of DevConnect and will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, on Wednesday, November 16, 2023.

What can you expect for the Solidity Summit?

The Solidity Summit is a collaborative conference that focuses on Solidity's future. It is a gathering of advanced Solidity users and other Solidity ecosystem stakeholders such as language designers, tool builders, auditors, and security researchers.

During the event you will:

  • Find out more about the most recent language proposals and new features.
  • Hear what's new from Solidity tooling and security researchers.
  • Learn from Solidity experts.

Speaker applications are open now!

The call for speakers is open! To apply for a speaking opportunity, please complete the speaker form.

Keep in mind that the Solidity Summit is geared towards an experienced audience, which means you can get "deep" into the Solidity weeds or technical things!

Who is a good fit for a talk at the Solidity Summit?

  • (Solidity) Language Shapers: Experts in Solidity, or other EVM smart contract languages, can share updates, or present improvement ideas and their thoughts.
  • Toolmakers: IDE developers, debuggers, analysis tools, or testing frameworks can use this occasion to share updates with the audience.
  • Auditors and Security Researchers: Relevant tips, common mistakes, insights from audits, or suggestions to share are welcome!
  • Solidity Power Users: Big Solidity users can share their finest Solidity hacks, tips, and comments!

Don't see your name on the list, yet believe you have something important to say? In any case, don't hesitate to apply for a talk!

See you in Istanbul! 🇹🇷

If you prefer to participate in the Solidity Summit without giving a talk, applications are open for attendees as well! Simply fill in the application form outlining why you'd like to join us in Istanbul. Participation is free, and we're looking forward to seeing you there.

Can't attend?

Can't make it to Istanbul in person? No worries, the event will be live-streamed and recorded. Before the event, we'll send out instructions on how to join us online. To view the live stream, you do not need to sign up.